Links to articles on preventing global child deaths.
The 06/27/2003 Washington Post article, “Child Deaths Avoidable” by David Brown, drew on information presented in The Lancet, an International Medical journal.
Below are links to the series of 5 articles addressing Child Survival Issues appearing in The Lancet. Also below are links to 2 additional articles that appeared in 2005.
Initially, after clinking on the individual link, you will be taken to a “sign in” page where you will be asked to fill out a short registration form, if you have not registered with The Lancet before. The articles are available free of charge for viewing after signing in to the online Lancet.
Child survival series: 2003
- Where and Why Are 10 Million Children Dying Every Year?
by Robert E Black, Saul S Morris, Jennifer Bryce - How Many Child Deaths Can We Prevent This Year?
by Gareth Jones, Richard W Steketee, Robert E Black, Zulfiqar A Bhutta, Saul S Morris, and the Bellagio Child Survival Study Group - Reducing Child Mortality: Can Public Health Deliver?
by Jennifer Bryce, Shams el Arifeen, George Pariyo, Claudio F Lanata, Davidson Gwatkin, Jean-Pierre Habicht, and the Multi-Country Evaluation of IMCI Study Group - Applying an Equity Lens to Child Health and Mortality: More of the Same Is Not Enough
by Cesar G Victora, Adam Wagstaff, Joanna Armstrong Schellenburg, Davidson Gwatkin, Mariam Claeson, Jean-Pierre Habicht - Knowledge into Action for Child Survival
by The Bellagio Study Group on Child Survival
Following are two related, important articles published in The Lancet that address Child Survival.
Child survival articles: 2005
- Can the World Afford to Save the Lives of 6 Million Children Each Year?
by Jennifer Bryce, Robert E Black, Neff Walker, Zulfiqar A Bhutta, Jay E Lawn, Richard W Steketee - Child Survival: Countdown to 2015
*Jennifer Bryce, Cesar G Victora, on behalf of the Conference Organizing
The March 25, 2006 issue of The Lancet contained an article titled, “WHO Estimates the Causes of Death in Children.” The graphic below is based on Figure 2 in that article.
The figure presents the major causes of death in children younger than five years of age, and in infants during the first four weeks after birth (neonatal period).